Monday, April 30, 2012

Classroom Jobs

 We like to keep everyone updated on our Peep Project! It is someone's job everyday to change the number of days until our chicks hatch! We keep it posted in the hallway for everyone to see.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mrs. O'Reilly's 3rd Grade Class!

When we got to school today, we had this really cool letter from Mrs. O'Reilly's 3rd grade classroom in Canandaigua! They are following our blog and are very excited to see our chicks hatch. We read the letter and the names they sent us, the names made us laugh!

We hung the letter out in the hallway for everyone to see!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why do we have different colored eggs?

There are 3 different "egg color" genes- and different breeds have different genes. The brown eggs come from breeds that lay brown eggs, these are from Plymouth Rock hens and Silver Laced Wyandotte hens. The blue eggs are from a breed that has the blue egg gene- these are Amerucanas, or also known as "easter egg" chickens- they lay all sorts of colors, from turquoise, to robin egg blue, to greenish, olive, and sometimes even pink!

Plymouth Rock Hens (Brown Eggs)

Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen - Brown Eggs

Amerucanas - Blue Eggs "The Easter Egg Chicken"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Eggs have arrived!!!!!!

Thanks to Jessica Decker of Double Decker Rabbitry, our eggs have arrived!

12 chicken Eggs!

Our Incubator is ready for the eggs - we installed our automatic egg turner so we don't have to manually turn the eggs four times a day!

Adding water to our incubator to keep our humidity level up!

Placing the thermometer on top of the eggs to make sure that it stays at 99.5 degrees in our incubator.

Ready to go!

The stages of Chick Development, this well help us to see what our chicks look like each day that they are in the incubator.

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's that time of year again

The weather is getting warmer, the lilacs are blooming, and the birds are chirping....which means, it's time for us to start our hatching project! Next Wednesday (April 25th, 2012) we will put LOTS of eggs in our incubator. We are very excited to begin our journey and we hope that you all enjoy following along with us. We will update you every day with pictures of us taking care of our chick eggs, preparing our classroom for their arrival and all the steps in between. We will be voting on names again this year too! See you soon :-)